What to Wear?
Suit and tie or dress? Khakis and a collard shirt? Jeans and a t-shirt? Yes, yes and yes. Anything is fine. We are just happy to have you here.
Parking Lot
We have plenty of room for you! You can park on either side of the church (north or south - or on the west side if you want to be first in the breakfast line at Sunday School). We have handicap spaces available as well, at both main entrances.
What time?
Our main service begins at 10:35am each Sunday.
But if you like a little extra Jesus in your weekend, we have Sunday School classes (and coffee) for all sorts of age groups at 9:30am. The adult class is located in our fellowship hall, the children's class is upstairs and the youth class is in our basement.

We have classes for children! Our Kid's Church is for children ages 5 to 12 years old. We offer preschool classes 2 to 4 years old. We also have a nursery available. Your kids are welcome to sit with you in the main service as well, if that is your preference.
We invite teens to join our main services on Sundays, and to come back on Wednesday nights for the youth group service.
Service Schedule

After a few brief announcements, we praise and worship. Our worship songs are a mixture of old and new- we like to have something for everybody.
Following that, our lead pastor (or guest speaker) will give a moving message that speaks God's Word to the issues we face today. Generally, Pastor John Veazey speaks, but we regularly schedule missionaries that go around the world to share about their work and mission.
Services last about 75 minutes.
Our Priorities
Our priority each Sunday is to give you a personal encounter with the living God. Here are a few things we emphasize here at Second Assembly...
Doctrine - the Word of God
Missions - deepening our impact by supporting missionaries in the US and throughout the world
As far as where we stand on doctrinal issues, we are an Assembly of God church and our theology lines up with their 16 Fundamental Truths about God and the Bible. Visit the About Our Church page to see a link to our doctrinal stances.

More Questions?
If you want to know about all the various ministries Second Assembly is engaged in, that answer is too long to fit in here! We'd redirect you to our Ministries page to see all the different programs we offer each week or month.
If you'd like to know more of what to expect when you visit our church, our Facebook page contains many video sermons we've recently live-streamed. Click the Facebook icon at the bottom of this page to give it a look. We also have an audio archive (of superior quality to our video sound) on the Sermons page of this website.
If you have a specific question you'd like to ask before you come, shoot us an email or give us a call using the information on the Contact page. If you're a Facebook user, you can contact us through that 24/7 to get the quickest response.
If there's more you'd like to know about our church, the best way to find out what we're all about is to visit us this coming Sunday. We'd love to see you here!